Books by Author SJ. Turner

Immortal Treasures

Author SJ. Turner’s latest book, Immortal Treasures is a paranormal fantasy novel inspired by the works of Deborah Harkness with her original book from the All Souls Trilogy, The Discovery of Witches and Alice Hoffman’s Practical Magic series.


This story leads you through both past and present as a young witch, Olivia Parker, battles her fear of magic. However, when a rare ‘timekeeper journal’ mysteriously appears in a shipment of ancient artifacts from an abandoned vampire castle, she’s forced to face her destiny.


A story of old-world vampires and modern-day witches. An alliance destined for centuries between two natural enemies is brought together by powerful ancients for the best of all mankind. 

Did you know witches and vampires walk freely among us? Of course not, because you couldn’t tell unless you’re one of them. They don’t appear as Halloween characters with long black capes, red eyes and predominate fangs. And you certainly won’t catch them openly casting spells and flying around on brooms. That’s not the way any of this works. They are your friends, neighbours and co-workers.

Let me introduce you to the main characters in IMMORTAL TREASURES.

Clara Redfearn is the oldest witch in London and a stern yet loving grandmother who desperately wants to pass her knowledge and earthly talents on to her granddaughter. But, knowing the circumstances that have caused her reluctance, she has been patient – until now. Vampire or not, her duty to a timekeeper journal cannot be ignored.

Helen Redfearn, Clara’s oldest daughter, is kind to a fault and a gracious hostess. She is one with the water element and can always be found in the kitchen whipping up dinners, cleaning and brewing tea. But those are most definitely not her only talents.

Patricia Redfearn, Clara’s youngest daughter, would set anyone ablaze to protect her niece Olivia. Standing true to her element – fire, she is the most unpredictable by far. With her sassy demeanour and quick hands, she is not one to mess with.

And then there is Olivia Parker—the daughter of Clara’s middle child. She was so quick to show her talents as a young witchling, enticing fish to follow her and changing the colour of Clara’s roses in her garden, but then it happened, and she shut down. Magic became something she feared and avoided.

Julien Laurent is one of the original vampires and sovereign to all successive vampires. There is only one problem. He’s dead. So vampires have been getting out of control, and soon, humanity could be at risk if they don’t bring him back.

His sons Cassian, Elias and Gabriel have been searching for nearly a century for the witch who can read the timekeeper journal and help them find the key to do just that, but thanks to the spell on it, not just any witch can read it. So Cassian sends it out into the world through an auction hoping that with the power of the book and the intuition of the witch, they will find each other, and they do. But, there are still a few obstacles to clear. Vampires and witches are not allies. He will need to convince Olivia to help them. Secondly, she’s afraid of magic and hasn’t a clue how to use it. Finally, they still have no idea where the key is.

All these avenues are explored and answered in IMMORTAL TREASURES.

paperback and kindle of Immortal Treasures by SJ. Turner

“This book has a great storyline with intricate characters. However, the ending left me wanting the sequel immediately. I would highly recommend this book if you love mysteries, romance, magic, and strong characters.”

– Literary Titan



Contracted To Mr. Collins

The Unusual Proposal

Contracted to Mr. Collins – The Unusual Proposal is a steamy erotic romance that will keep you on the edge of your seat as the almighty Aiden Collins – gorgeous CEO of Collins Enterprises – takes his new account executive on the date of her life.



Hearing about an account executive position at Collins Enterprises with a $75,000 base salary, Rebecca D’Angelo is eager to apply. Putting together a stunning portfolio and an impressive résumé, she marches herself directly down to the head office. As she struts toward the building with a purpose, a notice on the front door catches her eye.

DEADLINE – Résumés for the Account Executive position must be received no later than 10 am this morning.

She checks her phone – 9:51 am.

Panicking, she darts toward the information desk. At first, Rebecca has no idea what she’s run into – a moving brick wall?

Crashing to the floor, her latte and portfolio launch into the air. Her first thought – thankfully, my documents are in a protective cover. Then a set of large hands wrap around her arms and a deep rumbling voice echoes above. “Jesus Christ! This is not a schoolyard, young lady!”

Rebecca slowly peers up, her eyes anchoring on the most gorgeous creature she has ever seen. His beautiful cobalt blue eyes shine like stars against a perfect bronze tan, emphasized by neatly combed black hair that flawlessly tapers to meet a designer beard. She can feel the power radiating off his 6’4” GQ cover body as he wipes her latte from his crisp white shirt and expensive Armani suit. There’s no mistaking who this man is — Aiden Collins, CEO of Collins Enterprises.


Surprisingly, she’s made it to the final round of interviews. Though, today’s interview will be conducted by the one and only — Aiden Collins himself. Yep. That’s right. That means her fate at Collins Enterprises now lies solely in his hands.

On the bright side, it’s been three weeks since the latte incident, and after all, she has made it this far. That must mean he’s forgotten. Right?

Paperback and Kindle of Contracted to Mr. Collins - The Unusual Proposal

“I absolutely love this book!!! I’m not much of a reader, but this book caught my attention, and I was hooked.”

– Sherree



Contracted To Mr. Collins 2


Max, the hot dirty side of the Collins brothers has just declared his love for Rebecca and Aiden is fuming. As twins they had a pact – they can share but you must keep your feelings in check. Apparently, there are no rules in the game of love.


After a run-in with Rebecca’s ex, Alex, the brothers decide to take her up island to meet their grandparents. Excitement is running high until the following morning when they’re set to leave. Max has a sudden awakening that causes friction between him and his brother. Still, with tension high, the planned trip moves forward, and both brothers do their best not to raise alarms, but Nan is no fool. 

Nan and Pop take an instant shine to Rebecca and never having grandparents of her own, she’s just as taken by them. Not to mention the tiny village of Gold River they live in.

With the help of Nan and Pop, the brothers finally mend their relationship, and Aiden suggests relocating. It will rid them of Rebecca’s ex, hopefully for good this time and allow them the leisurely lifestyle she’s always dreamed of. Especially now that there is a baby coming.

The decision is made, and the land next to Nan and Pop is purchased. All Aiden has to do now is go back to Victoria for a few weeks to settle Natasha into his position. Rebecca will be okay alone with Max till he gets back, right?

Unfortunately, Aiden misjudged Max, and now he’s not even sure if it’s worth returning.

Paperback & kindle of Contracted to Mr. Collins 2 - Decisions

“I Really enjoyed this book. The characters are relatable and lovable. I had a hard time putting it down.”

– M. Warde



Contracted To Mr. Collins

Books 1 & 2

Contracted To Mr. Collins – The Unusual Proposal + Decisions – Get the entire story in one convenient book. 


Brothers, Aiden and Max Collins, have always shared everything, even their women. That is until Rebecca D’Angelo came along.
The day she applied for her dream position, she came in like a flurry, accidentally tossing her latte on Aiden, the CEO of Collins Enterprises.

Both shocked and thrilled that she has made it through to the final round of the interviews, Rebecca’s a bundle of nerves when she finds out that Aiden will be conducting them. She’s dumbfounded when he hands her two contracts to consider and insists on taking her to lunch.
Of course, neither lunch nor the contracts are quite what either expected.

Then just when things seem to settle, Max cancels the trip Aiden had sent him on to get him out of town so he could pursue Rebecca without interference. Now, Rebecca is on Max’s radar.

An adventure is inevitable when Max takes them all to Jamacia but when Max declares his love for Rebecca, a silent war begins to brew between the two brothers and some serious lines get crossed.

Paperback & kindle of Contracted to Mr. Collins Books 1 & 2

“Seriously addictive story! So many things I did not see coming at all! It’s sexy but funny at the same time.”

– C.J





About Author SJ. Turner

Author of the steamy erotic romance series Contracted to Mr. Collins, SJ Turner took a big step out of her comfort zone with the paranormal fantasy Immortal Treasures. Primarily written in fragments, many original pieces never made it into the final storyline. And those that did, required artful blending to create the ultimate tale that hopefully finds its way into many hearts and homes.

SJ’s love for books began the moment she learned to read. By her early teens, she was sneaking her mother’s romance novels into her room and tucking them under her pillow for late-night reading.

While a steamy romance is still her personal favourite, SJ can’t deny a fondness for the many other genres she often enjoys. After all, how could she not indulge in magical fantasies, exhilarating adventures, heart-stopping horrors, and relentless drama?

When she’s not reading she’s scribbling odd verses and shorts. Among her favourite authors are Deborah Harkness and Sylvia Day.

Where to find SJ Turner’s Books

There have now been several versions of Contracted to Mr. Collins released, the latest under the imprint of Cozy Reads Publishing. Both books one and two have brand-new twists and new titles. 
Contracted to Mr. Collins ~ The Unusual Proposal
Contracted to Mr. Collins ~ Decisions

All titles, including Immortal Treasures, are now available and can be found on most major online retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Books, Chapters.Indigo, Angus & Robertson, Scribd & Smashwords

When you have a love for literature, there’s a new adventure inside the pages of every book.

Author SJ. Turner

Member of The Independent Author Network




All works published by Cozy Reads Publishing

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